Monday, April 12, 2010

Part 2 of Sweet, Funny, and Cute: Babies nursing babies!

If you have ever nursed a baby into toddlerhood, or have nursed a younger child around their older siblings then odds are your child has imitated you breastfeeding. Maybe they even tried to use your breast pump! There's nothing cuter than a sweet, innocent little girl or boy pretending to feed babies the way nature intended! Enjoy these fan photos and if you would like your own included please e-mail it to:

Logan about 20 months old pretending to breastfeed a doll, his little brother. Connor was a couple of months old.

Addison LOVED bf'ing her babies! Didn't take her long to catch on!

My son was tongue-tied and couldn't nurse well for the first few months, until he had his frenulum clipped several times, so I was pumping 8 times a day and feeding him almost exclusively from a bottle. Here is his big sister Eliana (2 years old)pumping milk for "her baby."

In this photo Bailee (my friends daughter) and my almost 4 yr old Shaylen are "pumping" during their pretend play being mommies. At the time I was still nursing my 14 month old and pumping a lot as I was finishing my teaching degree.

This is my youngest son, Tom. He was breastfed until 3 years and 7 months, and as you can see, loves to extend the same bounty to his doll!(His older sister was found at the age of 2, trying to express breast milk from herself to fill the little bottle that came with a doll she was given!)

I just wanted to share this photo of my daughter Seren who was 3 at the time, breastfeeding her baby.

My son (11m) crawling over the table, my daughter (4) nursing her dolly, and their favourite play mate(2).

This is my son Jacob (age 4) nursing a doll

My daughter, Freya aged 4, breastfeeding her twins just like Mummy

Attached is a picture of my 22mnth old daughter Breanna. She has become fascinated with breastfeeding since the birth of her brother (6mnths) and attempts to feed all her dolls and teddies- she has also tried it on her bewildered baby brother!

Wanted to have this added to the blog. It is a picture of my two year-old feeding her younger brother “just like mommy” as her brother struggles to get out of her grasp. She tries so hard to be like mommy.

This is my son, Bennie, breastfeeding his Elmo doll at 22.5 months old. His brother, Alexander, was born when he was 19 months old. After watching me feed Alexander for a few months, each time he would see me going for the boppy, he would insist that it was time to "feed Elmo" and try to wrestle the pillow away from me. Incidentally, because of complications, I only feed Alexander on one side, and Bennie got it right!


  1. AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is SO sweet!

  2. these are so cute. I sure hope the facebook police have learned their lesson.

  3. These are priceless! :-) Maybe we'll get it right in a couple of generations, eh?

  4. very cute pictures . love the pic with little girl Bf her little brother :-)

  5. These are so adorable! My little one does this too and I think it is so precious. She'll say "baby all done on this side" and switch her baby to the other side :) I think this is great!

  6. OMG! These are hilarious and so utterly precious! My 19-month-old will nurse her baby if I ask her if she's nursed lately. She rocks her baby back and forth as she nurses, and it makes me so proud. :)

  7. My son will be 4 in a couple of weeks and when my daughter was a tad younger (shes 15 mons and still nursing) he would sit next to me on the couch with one of 'sisters' dollies or a teddy and nurse them while i nursed 'sister'. it's sweet. too bad i have no photos of this :(

  8. These are a great way to get the point across. Fab job ladies. Let hope they wont get the predigest looks and comments in their generation.

  9. These are great pictures, my daughter (3) does this too...and I am very proud knowing she will be comfortable as a breastfeeding mother. I am sorry to hear anybody has had trouble with other people, breastfeeding is the most natural and healthy thing a mother can do with her child. Keep up the good work mamas!

  10. Fabulous! I'm currently breastfeeding my third child, having fed my first till she was two and my second till she was four! My second didn't really want to let go of her last, one feed a day, but I encouraged her just before the birth of my third, as I really feltvit was time. She's been so good with her baby sister and no jealousy, which I was worried about. She tries to feed baby too and it's so sweet. She's do full of love and compassion.

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  12. These kids are so cute. Children copy everything you do, hopefully this is something that future generations remember as a positive experience and will support and encourage mums in the future to breastfeed.

  13. These are so cute. My 4-year-old (then 3) was totally into nursing his little teddy while I fed my youngest. Will try and dig out the pics. I plan on blackmailing him with them when he's a stroppy teenager!

    1. That would be cute, if the breastfed brother one really sucks her sister nipple

  14. Can you bring a baby to my home and my address is 203 water st charlivox Michigan

  15. Can you bring a baby to my home and my address is 203 water st charlivox Michigan
